
What I Should Already Know:

There are some words and phrases that pop up all the time in my readings that I recognize, but if someone were to ask me what the meaning is, I'd make something up that makes sense just because I'm not sure I know what it means... I can use these words in a sentence and it sounds like it works, but who knows if I actually know what I'm talking about. Like tax evasion. What is tax evasion anyway? 

I used this method in math class all through high school. When it got confusing, I made my own math and if I got a decent answer, I'd leave it. I hate when people ask why they need math. It works the part of your brain that you use in problem solving- and not the problem solving when you are in a grocery store calculating the exact price of one roll of toilet paper. Math helps you break laws and conspire against superiors. Well, it helps me do that. For some, it strengthens their efficiency and for others, it strengthens their mischievous tendencies. 

I should really know what tax evasion is. 

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